Net Neutrality

Chairman Crowley was joined by FCC Commissioner Clyburn, students and administrators at CUNY Prep in the Bronx to discuss the future of net neutrality. (Bronx, NY) – Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) was joined by FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn yesterday for a discussion on net neutrality with students and administrators at CUNY Prep High School

“We believe that San Franciscans and communities across the country deserve a better internet, with more choice and competition in the market than exists today." “We both have been strong advocates for municipal fiber because we know that many consumers feel inadequately served by their private provider, if they are even served at all. This country has a history of

Red’s morning routine could only be called normal. There’s coffee involved, and a kid who needs a ride to school, and in the empty spaces of the morning, he tweets. Just a few lines here and there, maybe a pic or a video to go with it. And over time, as practice becomes habit, and habit becomes a lifestyle, people

The Trump regime took another goose-step down the yellow-brick road of fascism on Thursday as the FCC voted to repeal Net Neutrality rules. The rules, another Obama-era accomplishment and clear target of Little Donnie Dotard’s ego, protected America’s free use of the internet as an extension of freedoms of speech, expression, and information. With the repeal vote, there could be

We have just days. The FCC is about to vote to end net neutrality—breaking the fundamental principle of the open Internet—and only an avalanche of calls to Congress can stop it. So this Tuesday, December 12th, "Break the Internet" on your site, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn, reddit, Tumblr, Youtube or in whatever wild creative way you can to get your audience to contact Congress. That’s how we win. Are you in? Battle For The

Net neutrality is a hot topic this week and rightfully so as the future of the Internet is at stake. While most of the dialogue has focused on what this means for consumers, let’s not forget the big losers will be small businesses and independent contractors who will be strangled by an unfair online marketplace. In short, President Obama’s administration

By FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn This week, millions of Americans returned to work after spending time with family and friends over the Thanksgiving holiday. Amidst the travel and meal preparations, many may have missed the “Pre-Holiday News Dump” last Wednesday when Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai released his 200 plus page proposal to dismantle the agency’s open internet

On July 12th, NYC joined 62 other cities representing over 24 million people, in a "Day of Action" to submit comment against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) plan to repeal net neutrality. Boston, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Seattle and NYC went even further creating educational web sites on each city government web domain, web banner promoting net neutrality, hyperlinks to

I wrote this in 2006 about net neutrality. We won the battle then. Sadly, this administration has jeopardized our internet freedom once again. Today is our day of action. Please read the below for a better understanding of what’s at stake and tweet/Facebook/insta (using the hashtag #netneutrality) why internet freedom is so important to you. Corporate America strikes again
Mayor de Blasio and 76 U.S. Mayors and Elected Officials Push House and Senate to Support Congressional Review Act Resolution to #SaveNetNeutrality
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