General Commentary

Our American Goals

Our American Goals

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. School House Rock has a video on the

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Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough

First off I want to be perfectly clear that this article is not geared towards bashing any one person or persons, any one political party or one's opinions or personal views. I have done my share of bashing people's political beliefs and have been on the receiving end as well. That's not what this article is about. Everyone is entitled

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Disgust and Politics

Disgust and Politics

So I don’t particularly believe or disbelieve the latest scandalous Trump story about his ties to Russia and the existence of sex tapes with prostitutes. I’m waiting on more evidence. But I find it morbidly amusing that people seem to think some of the weirder details of the report are so important, like him supposedly paying prostitutes to pee on

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It Is Shameful The Way Seth Rich’s Murder Has Been Exploited As a Tool For Political Manipulation

It Is Shameful The Way Seth Rich’s Murder Has Been Exploited As a Tool For Political Manipulation

Joel and Mary Rich are among thousands of parents whose lives were upended when their children became victims of the gun death epidemic that has plagued this country for years, an epidemic that kills as many American every 90 days as have been killed by acts of terrorism in the last half-century. Like other families have had to do before

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Why Teachers Are Real Life Superheroes

Why Teachers Are Real Life Superheroes

Like millions of others worldwide, I am eagerly anticipating the new Justice League film, which will unquestionably be one of this year’s biggest blockbusters. Over the last decade, superhero movies have dominated the box office, so I began thinking, “Why are superhero films so popular?” Consider, in the past 12 years, superhero films (which include franchises such as Spider-Man, Batman,

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Observation Post

Observation Post

Being a Canadian is an odd thing. Well I suppose that's not really right, its simply my country, my citizenship, my National identity as one would say but if one were to declare "I'm a Canadian" in a packed bar room or a lonely bus depot or the line at Costco ( yes, we have them) or practically anywhere at

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Glossary of Words You May Find  In Any Story About This Administration And Russia

Glossary of Words You May Find In Any Story About This Administration And Russia

Adviser: “A person who provides advice and experience. In the case of the Trump campaign, everyone from Jeff Sessions to Jared Kushner served as some type of adviser. And, as of March 3, at least five Trump advisers reportedly had contact with Russian officials.” Aiding and abetting: Aiding and abetting generally means to somehow assist in the commission of a

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Is Donald Trump Doing God’s Work?

Is Donald Trump Doing God’s Work?

WATCH THE VIDEO CLICK HERE Oh, dear Lord. I had been preparing to write a piece on Trump’s religious followers and then he tweets this gem. First off, if you believe that President Trump doesn’t want you to worship him, then you haven’t been paying attention. But that’s not the point of this tweet and the accompanying, nauseating video. Trump

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