Women in the Age of Trump

Last month, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin announced that the Treasury Department will not unveil a redesigned twenty-dollar bill replacing Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman on it while Trump still resides in the White House. Then, on June 14th, Alan Rappeport reported in The New York Times that “extensive work was well underway on a new $20 bill bearing the image

WHY DO YOU NEED THE EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT? Share Your Story Today! #INeedERA “The #MeToo movement was such a powerful phenomenon because for far too long, women have not felt heard. It’s hard to empower women when they are not recognized as part of our Constitution. Now is the time for that to change and for the ERA to become part

I’ve had enough. Enough of this Civil War the NRA and GOP is pushing on my country. Enough of the lawlessness of the new swamp monsters and the cruelty with which they have built their leader a throne. Enough of the propaganda war on Fox News and Sinclair stations to justify valuing guns over children, separating families at the border,

“What's happening to Mrs. Fisher and her family is the latest in a line of women of color having their pregnancies and specifically pregnancy loss criminalized." The details of the allegations against Fisher have not been made public. However, the case hearkens back to similar instances when women have been criminally charged for pregnancy outcomes. A Mississippi woman is facing

On January 20th and 21st, women led millions once again to take to the streets. From tiny Walla Walla, Wash., to St. Petersburg, Fla., to the major cities of New York and Los Angeles, citizens of all ages and backgrounds carried signs calling for a return to logic and compassion. On my sign were the words, “Fight Like a Mother.”

Women in the Age of Trump - A Patriot NOT Partisan Exclusive Series In 2016, three million more Americans voted for the first woman to occupy the Oval Office than did for the man who currently occupies it. The impacts were swift and significant. In 2018, PatriotNOTPartisan is collecting the stories of these impacts, told by the women who are impacted.

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.11'; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));Women's March 2018 SpeechMy speech at the #womensmarch2018 in Atlanta. #powertothepollsPosted by Alyssa Milano on Saturday, January 20, 2018 My speech at the #womensmarch2018 in Atlanta. #powertothepolls

The past year has been more than a wake up call for women across America. It has been a forced rebirth. Shortly after the election of 2016 shocked us all, one unexpected event heralded the death of the woman I used to be. The woman who remained of the good Generation X girl who thought that if she excelled at

Women in the Age of Trump - A Patriot NOT Partisan Exclusive Series In 2016, three million more Americans voted for the first woman to occupy the Oval Office than did for the man who currently occupies it. The impacts were swift and significant. In 2018, PatriotNOTPartisan is collecting the stories of these impacts, told by the women who are impacted.
It’s Time to Take Care of Moms
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