
Some of my most salient memories from my childhood are of time spent with close family friends. In this family, there are four daughters; the two eldest are close in age with me, and the two youngest are close in age with my sister, so throughout our lives, the six of us have always greatly enjoyed each other's company. In

The Trump administration’s cruel immigration policy has created a humanitarian crisis at our border. Trauma at the Border, a new short video by Brave New Films, exposes the emotional, psychological and physical damage that can be done when children are imprisoned – even with their families. Childhood trauma, like imprisonment and family separation, provokes long-lasting implications caused by high levels

Keep Hospitals Safe From ICE Since Trump has taken office, the Department of Homeland of Security (DHS) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have aggressively targeted undocumented immigrants. With increasing reports of ICE roundups and arrests near and inside hospitals, more and more undocumented immigrants must choose between remaining with their families or risking deportation for medical care -

One nasty morning Comrade Stalin discovered that his favorite pipe was missing. Naturally, he called in his henchman, Lavrenti Beria, and instructed him to find the pipe. A few hours later, Stalin found it in his desk and called off the search. "But, Comrade Stalin," stammered Beria, "five suspects have already confessed to stealing it." -- Vladimir Bukovsky This

That 2017 has been a tumultuous year for immigration in the United States is not exactly a revelation. President Trump campaigned on this issue and has sought to deliver on many of his campaign promises. If you’re pro-immigration, there are not many positives to report this year except that public opinion remains strongly pro-immigration and resistance to the President’s immigration

The abhorrent and beyond reprehensible slavery that is taking place in Libya speaks to the current times. While America has outlawed the deed almost 200 years ago, African American men in America inadvertently pose as a cultural threat and yet are the most perpetrated against. A black man anywhere is less than an inch away from discrimination, incarceration, and even

Canada is in a unique position when it comes to evaluating what has happened in America since the election of Donald Trump, so I thought I would share my 2 cents. We are, of course, a separate country, with separate traditions, laws, languages (English and French), along with a different system of government altogether. We are, however, just across the

Can there be anything more disheartening than listening to yet one more rendition of "back when I was a lad"? Memory persists though. Too many years observing the human condition provides the mind with fodder for commentary. The trick is to remember the bad, along with all of the good. So having entered this strange territory they call mid-life, I

Donald Trump neither is fit to be president, nor qualified to issue an order for a nuclear first strike. His inability to seek counsel, weigh consequences, or consider the well-being of 325 million Americans not only handicap Trump's capacities for office, but also dynamically endanger the health and safety of every American - civilian and military alike. On Tuesday afternoon,

On June 17, 2015, Dylann Roof walked into a church carrying a gun, killed nine people, and injured a tenth. The shooting was an act of terrorism, an act of racial hatred, and a national tragedy. And according to most on the right, it was avoidable. Even our new president seemed to acknowledge this just after Virginia reporter Alison Parker

"They will be met with fire, fury and frankly the power the likes of which the world has never seen." That was President Trump's response to learning that North Korea has successfully miniaturized nuclear warheads that can fit into missiles, a move making the isolationist country the latest, and certainly one of the scariest, additions to the handful of nations

I originally wrote this right after the attack at the Manchester arena in May. I remember sitting there trying to wrap my mind around it and I couldn't. I really can't understand how a person can do something like that. How can a person feel so little regard for someone else's life? How can someone take another person's life so

The Trump administration is actively deconstructing America’s democratic values and processes, but there is an even more dangerous underlying consequence of Trump’s rise to power. Too many people — especially those on the left — believe the fallacy that either Trump’s removal or his failure will automatically restore the nation’s balance. Uniting against Trump does instill a sense of purpose

This article was originally published on GMF by Laura Rosenberger and J.M. Berger Since Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. election, many have warned that Putin will be back in 2018 and 2020. But the reality is that Russian influence operations never left. As former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper recently stated, the Kremlin is already beginning to “prep the

Being a Canadian is an odd thing. Well I suppose that's not really right, its simply my country, my citizenship, my National identity as one would say but if one were to declare "I'm a Canadian" in a packed bar room or a lonely bus depot or the line at Costco ( yes, we have them) or practically anywhere at

Immigration lawyers generally fly under the radar. But despite many who are heroes in the truest sense, how many of us know the names of any of them? You don’t see them on television dramas or the silver screen. Maybe its because there aren’t that many - there are 15,000 members of the American Immigration Lawyers Association versus 1.3 million

Dad, I know Trump is bad but I was talking with my friends and when the illegal people come to the wall, we really should shoot them because that means they’re terrorists. Perhaps the most insidious thing about Donald Trump’s presidency is the sheer pervasiveness of the hate, ignorance, and mean-spiritedness that is choking our country. And if you think
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