
WHY DO YOU NEED THE EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT? Share Your Story Today! #INeedERA “The #MeToo movement was such a powerful phenomenon because for far too long, women have not felt heard. It’s hard to empower women when they are not recognized as part of our Constitution. Now is the time for that to change and for the ERA to become part

Article via ELLE.com Something snapped. After the 2016 presidential election, women nationwide wanted to make a scene. We flooded streets in protest. We filled out ballots. Whispers gave way to battle cries. We didn’t do it for “attention.” We did it for progress. In “Fired Up,” ELLE.com explores women’s rage—and what comes next. Dear Elizabella, I wanted to take this

#LauraMonterrosa spoke out about sexual abuse and ICE put her in solitary confinement to cover up what happened. Take action right now by signing the petition and making a call! #EndDetention #MeToo #EllaHabla SIGN THE PETITION NOW On Wednesday, Feb. 14, a group of about 50 people gathered outside the T. Don Hutto Residential Center in Taylor, Texas, to protest

In the new era of #metoo many are being forced out of #notme bubble. Every day on the news we hear about another famous, powerful person being accused of sexual misconduct. The media is spending hours upon hours a day covering the politicians, the news anchors, the media moguls and the accuser’s stories. While the Silence Breaker’s movement is, powerful

“What's happening to Mrs. Fisher and her family is the latest in a line of women of color having their pregnancies and specifically pregnancy loss criminalized." The details of the allegations against Fisher have not been made public. However, the case hearkens back to similar instances when women have been criminally charged for pregnancy outcomes. A Mississippi woman is facing

On January 20th and 21st, women led millions once again to take to the streets. From tiny Walla Walla, Wash., to St. Petersburg, Fla., to the major cities of New York and Los Angeles, citizens of all ages and backgrounds carried signs calling for a return to logic and compassion. On my sign were the words, “Fight Like a Mother.”

On January 20, 2017 millions of people (mostly women) marched in protest. There were hundreds of peaceful, organized marches across the globe. By the numbers, it was the largest day of protest ever. EVER! Bigger than civil rights marches, bigger than anti-war marches, bigger than anything that came before. By January 22, the media had moved on. On January 20,

The TIME'S UP initiative, a movement developed by over 300 women in the entertainment industry, launched in January with a solidarity letter demonstrating each endorser's desire to help protect women who are confronted by sexual harassment in the workplace. The TIME'S UP Legal Defense Fund, which "will provide subsidized legal support to women and men who have experienced sexual harassment,

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.11'; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));Women's March 2018 SpeechMy speech at the #womensmarch2018 in Atlanta. #powertothepollsPosted by Alyssa Milano on Saturday, January 20, 2018 My speech at the #womensmarch2018 in Atlanta. #powertothepolls

On March 3rd, 2017, I sat down after work to write a song. Songwriting has always been a sort of diary for me; I find that no matter how hard I try, I cannot be dishonest in it. Everything I write pulls from my own experiences and perceptions. I sat down with the intention of writing something “sexy”. I was

When I heard Matt Damon's answer to the Q: "How do you react to that?" (in regards to people being charged with unwanted sexual contact & sexual violence) my heart sank! The thing is, somewhere in that just over 16 minute interview (click here) he cobbled together the makings of a decent empathic apology on behalf of the group with

You’ve heard the statistics: 40% of women are the primary breadwinners of their home, if women got paid equally as men the US economy would double, etc. These statistics are irrelevant. Women don’t deserve equal opportunity because “it’s good for our economy” or “good for their children” or “good for their family.” A woman’s value isn’t dependent on her relationship

From the office, to the dorm room, to everyday life - sexual harassment, assault, and rape are an epidemic. The time for change is NOW. With every new voice that speaks up, another person is empowered to tell their story. Another person calls out harassment. Another person becomes an ally in the fight against assault. We will speak up. We

The Creative Coalition launched a PSA campaign to encourage people who have experienced sexual harassment and assault to keep talking and fight back. The Creative Coalition Tim Daly, Cheryl Hines, Alyssa Milano and Wanda Sykes want you to #KeepTellingPeople. In a PSA out Tuesday, the actors lead a team from The Creative Coalition to shine a spotlight on the wave of allegations

Anita Hill named Commission Chair LOS ANGELES – December 15, 2017 – Following widespread revelations of pervasive sexual harassment and assault in the media and entertainment industries, executives, independent experts and advisors have come together in a unanimous effort to tackle the broad culture of abuse and power disparity by forming and funding the Commission on Sexual Harassment and

There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope. - Bernard Williams We aren’t all celebrities. We don’t all have a national spotlight on us. At some point, when famous people stop getting outed as abusers, the #MeToo movement may fade. But we’ll still be here with our pain: the millions of women who suffer

My wife and I went to my eldest daughter’s dance recital last summer. Our daughter is nine, and has enjoyed dance since she was two years old. Like all families of young dancers, our family nurtures her passion for dance. We spend our money on lessons and costumes and hours of our time traveling to and from the studio. She

Erin Gallagher's visualization of the spread of the #MeToo hashtag. Courtesy of Erin Gallagher. (above) by Sarah Cascone for artnet News Last month, the hashtag #MeToo began proliferating across social media as part of an effort by women to illustrate just how frequently they are sexually harassed and assaulted. Now, multimedia artist Erin Gallagher has harnessed that viral message as

Talk of sexual harassment is everywhere these days. It starts with Harvey Weinstein and leads to Roger Ailes, Bill Cosby, Bill O’Reilly, Al Franken, Roy Moore and to former and current U.S. presidents, including the now 93-year-old George Bush. It’s a boxcar effect. Truthfully, every day I worked on this piece for publication, another high-profile offender slid into the spotlight.

As the recent flurry of sexual harassment and assault allegations against powerful men continues to snowball, conservatives have relished in reminding liberals that our beloved Bill Clinton is likewise an accused predator. As much as it pains me to admit this—as a Democrat, a Hillary supporter and a fan of the former president’s politics—they are absolutely right. While the image

Sixteen Women Sexually Harassed and Assaulted by President Trump Tell Their Stories Los Angeles – Brave New Films released a new video today, “16 Women and Donald Trump,” which tells the stories of sixteen women who have publicly reported being sexually harassed and assaulted by President Trump. The women have all spoken out individually about Trump’s forcible attempts to kiss, grope,

I was 15 years old, smoking a cigarette at the bus stop right in front of my high school. That is where I met a man I will call Bob. Bob was in his mid-fifties, with salt and pepper hair, pale white skin, piercing blue eyes, with an old-school Chicago accent. He sat next to me and made a comment

Abduction. Child marriage. Rape. Forced prostitution. These are the stark realities for millions of women and girls across the globe—and their stories are not being heard. Just last year, 9 million girls were forced to have sex against their wills. More than 700 million women alive today were married as children; some 250 million were married before age 15. And

I can't remember the first time I was aware of the set of rules that govern a woman's life. I don't remember explicitly being taught them. I do remember, at much too young an age, that men looked at me in a way that made me uncomfortable. I don't mean men in my life like family members or friends of

Harvey Weinstein in the wild - Halloween themed. Contributing Editor: Jamie Domnick Twitter: @JNick9456 Instagram:JNick9456 Currently a student at the University of Wisconsin--Green Bay; double majoring in Democracy & Justice Studies, and History. At the beginning of my college career, I intended to major in Art and then perhaps teach the subject. However, as I continued to take various classes,

When Dave Roberts (the manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers) and I played baseball at Ucla, one of the many amazing experiences we had was to have Coach Wooden come speak to us and share his incredible philosophy of life with the team. Coach Wooden, for those of you who don't know, was the winningest coach in college basketball history

My wife and I used to swap cars a lot. We had two, but only one was big enough to cart the kids around, so the other became the “work car” and whoever had a shift that day would use it. This meant putting up with a lot of adjustments before getting on the road – seats, three mirrors, the

Women are sponges. Women are dynamic beings. Frankly, we're all dynamic beings. Most of us are, anyway. I believe complexity and the ability to love is what wedges us from the animals. Women, though, are exceptional. Equipped with caution and foreboding, they are usually in sync with any and everything around them. Vigilant of the late-night straggler coming out of

1973. Mom's a secretary at a state college in Pennsylvania. The man she works for is highly educated, highly respected. She types 90 words a minute. Her shorthand is impeccable. She wears skirts and modest blouses, just as the dress code requires. He tells her how much he likes watching her walk away. From that day on, she no longer

I'm not one for writing love letters, but if I were, I'd pen one to birth control. Because I was empowered to determine the timing and spacing of my children, I've been able to pursue and achieve academic success, build a career and travel the world. Without the Pill (and now IUD), I wouldn't be the woman I am today.

I've been asked a number of times to comment on the Harvey Weinstein scandal. While I am sickened and angered over the disturbing accusations of Weinstein's sexual predation and abuse of power, I'm happy - ecstatic even - that it has opened up a dialogue around the continued sexual harassment, objectification and degradation of women. To the women who have
Alyssa Milano & Love Is Louder Launch New Initiative: #LoveIsLouder When We…
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