
At 26 years old, I took a free blood test at an LGBT health center. I never expected that the test would simultaneously save my life and bankrupt me. Four years later—as we face a global pandemic that has overwhelmed our country—I now not only worry about my ability to afford my medicine, but also about whether I will be

When my first daughter was 9 months old, I experienced crippling postpartum anxiety. It had been building for several months, and, like a giant snowball slamming down a mountainside, it finally flattened me. I was so worried about my daughter’s health and safety that I could not sleep at night. I threw up before I had to leave her in

The need for our country’s leaders to listen to our voices and defend our lives is more urgent than ever. The next few months will determine the future of the American people—and the power of our storytelling will shape our politics as we near the November elections. I am the mother of an amazing four-year-old with complex medical needs, and

Keep Hospitals Safe From ICE Since Trump has taken office, the Department of Homeland of Security (DHS) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have aggressively targeted undocumented immigrants. With increasing reports of ICE roundups and arrests near and inside hospitals, more and more undocumented immigrants must choose between remaining with their families or risking deportation for medical care -

Your maternity leave may be the longest length of time you take away from the office. But before you know it, you’ll be tucking away your yoga pants and reacquainting yourself with your work wardrobe. If you’re planning a pregnancy or starting the adoption process, it’s never too early to plan time away from work to be with your child.

On January 18, 2018, the Trump administration announced the formation of a new division of the Department of Health and Human Services, entitled the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division. The new Division, which will be part of the Office of Civil Rights, is designed to protect healthcare professionals who refuse to offer birth control or abortion based on their religious

Women in the Age of Trump - A Patriot NOT Partisan Exclusive Series In 2016, three million more Americans voted for the first woman to occupy the Oval Office than did for the man who currently occupies it. The impacts were swift and significant. In 2018, PatriotNOTPartisan is collecting the stories of these impacts, told by the women who are impacted.

Health Care Voter Announces Six New Campaign Co-Chairs, Ramps Up Ahead of 2018 Elections Anton Gunn, Former Advisor for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Elena Hung, President and Co-Founder of the Little Lobbyists Alyssa Milano, Actor and Health Care Advocate Laura Packard, Health Care Advocate Topher Spiro, Senior Fellow and Vice President of Health Policy at the

Jonathan Swift famously said, “We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.” I am Jewish, as are both my parents, and as were my four grandparents. They instilled in me the concepts of Tzedukah, (charity) and Mitzvot (good deeds). As with Christianity, I was taught the Golden Rules: do unto

In 1933, Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. In the same year, his National Socialist (Nazi) Party began a systematic campaign of public ridicule and private sterilization, isolation and murder of the disabled in Germany. When the Nazis were not stopped from claiming these first of their victims, the most vulnerable population among their citizens, the way was paved for

Last week, two days after being laid off from what once looked like a completely secure job, I found myself dialing 9-1-1 and requesting an ambulance for my disabled daughter. From the back of the ambulance, I digitally signed to accept a severance package that was less than what I hoped for, because it kept my family’s insurance active until

I’m an English professor. It’s a good job. I’m paid generously to talk with students about literature and help them learn to write well. I have excellent benefits from one of the best health insurance providers in the country, I’ve got a decent retirement plan, and a discount at the campus cafeteria. Life is pretty good. But I was in

Starting on November 1, people can sign up for health care at but unlike previous years, the current administration has made clear they're not going to provide people with the information they need to sign up for health coverage, so others must fill in the gaps. Former top health care officials, Lori Lodes and Joshua Peck, who oversaw outreach,

Dear Congress, My name is Geoff Ginter. I am a constituent of the New Jersey 3rd Congressional district. I'm writing to those of you who fought hard against the AHCA, and it's senatorial counterpart. I would like to give you my sincere thanks - if only 'for now'. As you know, this atrocity, masquerading as a health care bill, was

Through a combination of bribery and even more savage cuts and deregulation, Republicans are ensuring that the repeal bill that goes to the Senate floor is even worse than the one originally proposed. The latest GOP repeal bill is getting worse by the day. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) From the outset, the latest Republican health care repeal bill was the worst

Tonight, I suffered a sort of breakdown as a result of my PTSD, and normally I would not share this, but I believe I need to. As well as many other nights have been, this one is a hazy fog as I do not remember much. I do not remember what triggered my attack nor what I did in form

The problem with writing about policy is that very few people want to talk about policy. Most of us don't really care about it. There are very few wonks out there - the rest of us just want to know what will happen to us if something becomes law. So, we're not going to get into the weeds here. I'm

In any argument, especially the really big ones, there is almost always a time for speaking, and a time for listening. We make our case, then we listen to our opposition, and hopefully, through the process of give-and-take, we come to an agreement we can all live with. But there are times - and I believe this is one of

Imagine you get a call. Your mom had a heart attack and she's on the way to the hospital. You get in your car but your thoughts are racing. The spells. She's been saying she was having spells. For months. Dizzy spells. You asked her to see a doctor. She promised she would. But did she? You never thought she

How does a country lose sight of 60 million people? One in five Americans has a mental illness at any given time, yet as a society we do not see them. They suffer discrimination, yet as a society we don't acknowledge it. Access to mental health care is a civil right. Under federal law, insurers must cover mental health care

Two years ago, if you brought up politics around me, my eyes would've glazed over as I tuned you out and quickly found an excuse to politely sneak away. I had zero interest in it. In fact, the topic made my skin crawl. I am an extra busy, stay at home mom of three, with a medically fragile child. I've

Nearly every single country in the developed world has universal healthcare. But not the wealthiest nation on Earth: the United States of America. In a nation like ours, with such riches and talent, why isn’t healthcare a right, rather than a privilege? As a doctor, I believe that no one who is suffering should ever be denied effective treatment, regardless

My political journey has been rather counter intuitive. I served as a Marine Corps combat engineer officer from 1997 to 2005. I served two tours of duty in Iraq. I participated in the invasion of Iraq in the spring of 2003 and fought in the Second Battle of Fallujah in November 2004. I sound like a typical Republican, right? Not

Geno with Eliza Dushku The skinny repeal went down. Trumpcare is defeated. (At least for now. Word is, Trumpcare may come back for debate. It’s like Jason in the “Friday the 13th” movies. It refuses to really be dead!) Obamacare lives. Depending on your party affiliation, you are either cheering or angry. Or maybe party affiliations don’t matter to you.
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